Perfist Blog


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What is SEO?

SEO is the optimization made to rank first in targeted keywords. Thanks to these optimizations, it is aimed at search engine bots and users to understand the site more easily. SEO works are divided into four on-site SEO, off-site SEO, technical SEO, and user experience. When these issues are done in a planned manner without […]

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What is Backlink?

A backlink is a link provided by one website to another on the internet. In other words, it enables users to navigate to another site by clicking on a link associated with a word or image on a webpage. These links are used as references between websites and are crucial for increasing the popularity and […]

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Backlink Obtaining Methods

There are various ways to obtain backlinks to your website or to bring backlinks. While some of these methods are recommended by Google, others are not and can be harmful. What matters here is your strategy. No matter what strategy you follow, don’t compromise on naturalness. Now let’s take a look at 12 different methods […]

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Mid Level SEO
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How to Get Backlinks?

Backlink is a link that one website provides to another website. Backlinks should be obtained from target keywords and high-quality pages, as they are believed to be beneficial after on-page SEO is completed. Sometimes, surpassing or catching up with our competitors may not be possible by solely focusing on on-page SEO or off-page SEO. Therefore, […]

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Beginner Level SEO
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How Should Content Be Created?

How Should Content (Article) Be Created? When creating content, you should first conduct detailed research on the topic. During this research, you should have sufficient knowledge about the subject and accurately cite your sources. Next, you should write your content in a way that will capture the interest of your readers. For example, you should […]

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Beginner Level SEO
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Using Nofollow on Internal Links

Search engine bots that come to the web page click on other links they see on the page and scan those pages as well. In the use of nofollow, the search engine bot does not follow the link and does not care about that page. That’s why internal links should always be marked as dofollow. […]

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Mid Level SEO
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What is Hummingbird Algorithm?

Hummingbird is one of the most comprehensive algorithms of its time that Google made for convey better results to users. With this algorithm; the meaning which underlies the query and pages with geniune content that satisfies the user have become important for Google, rather than a key word or a query.  In addition to geniune […]

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Beginner Level SEO
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What’s in a SERP? Google Search Results You Need To Know

SERP also known as the Search Engine Results Page gives search engine users the best results for their queries. You can access more than one website through the search query page and you may have coincidence features that allow you to directly reach the query results you are looking for. The SERP, which Google constantly […]

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Beginner Level SEO
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6 Common Misconceptions About SEO

Google continues to update its algorithms every day. Some metrics and some information are changing with new ones. It is not easy to follow all the updates, so let’s examine the mistakes that we think are right today. Meta Keywords is a Ranking Factor! Meta keywords is a field in which keywords that are invisible […]

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Beginner Level SEO
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Using Table Tags for Page Descriptions

Search engines try to make sense of the pages they scan while they crawl and index them in their indexes. While search engines are crawling and indexing the pages, they also pay attention to the HTML codes that make up the page. Features such as the <title> tag to help create a title on the […]

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Mid Level SEO
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What is Backlink? How to Get Backlinks? And Methods of Getting Backlinks

A backlink is a link that a site gives to another site. Backlinks should be taken from the target keywords and the quality of the pages, which are thought to be beneficial after on-site SEO is completed. Sometimes it may not be possible to beat or catch our competitors by doing only on-site SEO or […]

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Mid Level SEO
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What is E-A-T in SEO? How to Improve Google E-A-T

E-A-T, also known as Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines and details how should be the content, has a crucial role in content quality and web sites authorization. E-A-T means Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. E-A-T is part of Google’s algorithm and baked into Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. The E-A-T criteria (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) are described […]

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Mid Level SEO
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What is Cumulative Layout Shift and How to Optimize It

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is one of the core web vitals metrics. CLS is a metric that measures the shifting of the position of elements, that is their visual stability, as a website continues to download. Elements that may cause order shift; videos, images, forms, buttons, and different types of content.   Why Does Cumulative […]

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Mid Level SEO
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Google Product Reviews Updates

While shopping on e-commerce sites, we all prefer reliable sellers and products that receive high ratings and good comments, examining the reviews of the products. Reviews of users who have purchased and experienced the product before direct us to purchase that product. Instead of superficial comments on products, product reviews in which details are given […]

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Mid Level SEO
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What is Crawl Budget and How to Optimize It?

The method for your website to stand out and be visible to users starts with the crawling of your website by Google bots. While completing this process, Google bots give priority pages that are easy to crawl, speed-optimized, and efficient. When Google bots visit your site, it indexes the pages it crawls. Thus, Google positions […]

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Beginner Level SEO
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​​Improve User Experience by Migrating to WebP

The WebP format, which has been in our lives since 2010, has recently started to make a lot of voice. If we look at the reasons; After the site speed became a ranking factor with Google’s statement in 2018, site speed and site performance entered the ranking of important items of SEO. When it comes […]

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Mid Level SEO
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How to build a conversion-focused blog strategy for e-commerce sites?

Targeting conversion as a target KPI for a blog strategy may sound difficult. However, it really isn’t impossible in a long-term blog strategy. We can summarize it in 4 different stages as follows. Step 1: Identify Buyer Personas To create a conversion-focused blogging strategy, you need to have a good understanding of your buyer personas. […]

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Senior Level SEO
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What is Google PageSpeed ​​Insights? How to use?

Our blog topic for today is Google PageSpeed ​​Insights, which is used to measure site speed and is undoubtedly trusted by many because it is Google’s own tool. Before we talk about Pagespeed Insights, let’s talk about the importance of site speed in terms of SEO. Why is Site Speed ​​Important? Site speed, which has […]

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Mid Level SEO
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Why Google Analytics and Search Console Data Never Match

Why do Google Analytics and Google Search Console data, which are Google’s own tools that measure visitors to websites, show different results? Why Search Console clicks and Google Analytics organic sessions don’t match? There is more than one answer to these questions, we have listed below the reasons why the data of the two tools […]

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Senior Level SEO