



What is Backlink?

A backlink is a link provided by one website to another on the internet. In other words, it enables users to navigate to another site by clicking on a link associated with a word or image on a webpage. These links are used as references between websites and are crucial for increasing the popularity and credibility of a site.

For example, links from a blog post to another website are examples of backlinks.

What is backlink?

Backlink Types

Backlinks are different types of links that come from various sources. These include technical distinctions such as dofollow, nofollow, sponsored, and ugc, as well as content-focused varieties like education, e-commerce, social media, and local. Each type has different effects on increasing a site’s authority or attracting traffic.

Dofollow Backlink

It is a type of link followed by search engines, helping to increase the authority of the targeted site. When properly structured, a dofollow backlink can positively influence a site’s SEO performance.

Nofollow Backlink

It is a type of backlink not followed by search engines, and it does not have a direct impact on SEO performance. Nofollow links are often added to provide information to users, but their effects on SEO are limited. However, it would be incorrect to say that they have no positive impact on SEO.

Sponsored Backlink

This type of link is used in advertising and sponsorship relationships. Such links should be marked as “nofollow” in compliance with Google’s advertising policies. This ensures the preservation of the site’s natural backlink profile. Sponsored links are generally used to diversify backlinks.

UGC (User Generated Content) Backlink

These are links that come from user-created content, such as user comments or forum posts. Links in content like user reviews are often considered UGC. These types of links can be valuable for user interaction and content enrichment. Similar to sponsored links, UGC links can be used for backlink diversity.

The tags shown above are code tags. They can be used in conjunction with backlinks; if no tags are used, the link is perceived as dofollow.

Educational Backlinks

Educational links are typically connections originating from reliable and information-focused sites, often affiliated with universities or educational institutions. The impact of these backlinks on site authority is more significant due to their association with trustworthy extensions such as “.edu.”

E-commerce Backlinks

Connections made between e-commerce sites can focus on products, reviews, or shopping experiences. These links have the potential to increase traffic among commercial sites. However, the statement that backlinks will increase site traffic is not always 100% accurate.

Social Media Backlinks

Links originating from social media platforms also fall into the category of backlinks. Shared content usually includes redirecting links from social media profiles to websites.

Local Backlinks

Links where a business is listed or introduced in local blogs or news sites are referred to as local backlinks.

Why are Backlinks Important? What Do They Do?

Because backlinks increase your website’s ranking on search engines, attract more visitors, and enhance the credibility of your site.

Backlinks serve as a kind of reference system among websites. The crucial thing is to have a good reference because:

  • Reputation and Reliability: Backlinks from quality sites (well-planned backlinks) increase your site’s authority. A good reputation will enhance the trust of users and search engines in your site.
  • SEO Performance: Search engines determine the authority of sites by evaluating the links between them. Quality and natural backlinks improve your site’s ranking on search engines.
  • Traffic Direction: A good backlink enables users to transition from another site to yours, facilitating potential new visitors to reach you. Backlinks that capture the reader at the right time and place convert into traffic.
  • Content Quality and Shareability: The shareability, quality, and value of your content can encourage other sites to establish a connection with you. This can organically increase your backlinks.

Backlinks are a significant part of the communication and reference network among websites in the internet ecosystem, having a distinct impact on the visibility, authority, and user traffic of your site.

Why are backlinks important

What is the Process of Obtaining Backlinks? How Should It Be Done?

Obtaining backlinks means getting redirection links from other sites to your own site. You can follow these steps for this:

  1. Create Valuable Content: Producing quality and informative content encourages other sites to link to your content. This is the method Google first recommends.
  2. Establish Communication: Contact relevant sites and suggest sharing links when your content is relevant to them. If planned in a natural-looking way, this can be one of the most efficient methods.
  3. Guest Post: By publishing content as a guest author on other sites, you can add links to your own site. However, it is essential to be respected in the industry, and your writing should be valued. Otherwise, other sites may not accept your offer.
  4. Backlink Analysis: Analyze your competitors by conducting a competitive analysis, examine which sites they are getting backlinks from, and try to get links from the same sites. Regularly tracking where your competitors are getting backlinks from on a monthly basis will provide you with ideas for new sites that may offer backlinks.
  5. Social Media and Forums: Actively share your content on social media platforms and relevant forums to introduce your content and gain backlinks.

However, when obtaining backlinks, it is crucial to focus on acquiring them naturally and organically. Artificial or malicious backlinks can negatively impact your site’s SEO performance. Creating quality content and engaging with others are the keys to obtaining healthy backlinks.

If you want to get detailed information about backlink acquisition methods, you can visit our blog post:

Things to Consider Before Getting Backlinks

  • Quality Control: The quality and reputation of the site providing the backlink are crucial. Trustworthy, relevant, and high-quality sites should be preferred.
  • Natural and Organic: Artificial or malicious backlinks should be avoided. They should comply with Google’s policies that encourage naturalness.
  • Content Relevance: It is important that the content from which the backlink is given is consistent with your own content and that the link is naturally integrated.
  • Diversity: When obtaining backlinks, preference should be given to links from various sources and different types of content. Balanced and natural profiling is important.
  • Research and Analysis: Research and analyze the sites you are considering for backlinks, and choose links that will have a positive impact on your site.

In summary, obtaining backlinks from quality, natural, diverse, and appropriate sites is crucial. Quality and naturalness should form the basis of your backlink strategies.

If you want to get detailed information about what to consider before getting backlinks and how to obtain them, you can visit our blog post:

Is Buying Backlinks Harmful?

Yes, unnatural backlinks that are clearly bought and improperly planned can harm your site in the long run. As a result, the following may occur:

  • Risk of Penalty: Google can detect artificial backlinks and penalize your site. This can lead to a drop in your rankings or removal of your site from the index.
  • Trust Issues: Purchased backlinks are often associated with low-quality or spam content. This can reduce the trustworthiness of your site.
  • Decrease in SEO Performance: Google encourages organic and natural backlinks. Artificial backlinks can negatively impact your site’s SEO performance.

Instead, it is important to obtain real and valuable backlinks through organic means and by producing quality content. Quality content is naturally referenced and helps your site build a healthy backlink profile in the long run.

If you want to explore the drawbacks of backlinks from Google’s perspective, you can check the “Link spam” section on the Google Search Central – Spam Policies page.

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Yasin Özer

Sr. SEO Specialist

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Hello, I am Yasin ÖZER, I started working in the SEO industry during my university years. I have been improving myself and providing services in the SEO field since the last quarter of 2018. I have been working as an SEO expert at Perfist since July 2022. Hello, I am Yasin ÖZER, I started working in the SEO industry during my university years. I have been improving myself and providing services in the SEO field since the last quarter of 2018. I have been working as an SEO expert at Perfist since July 2022. I would be happy to share with you the experiences I have gained and the knowledge I have learned through experience.

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