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Media Planning and Buying

We help our customers gain a competitive advantage in media by maximizing efficiency from their advertising budgets through digital and traditional media strategies that we develop specifically for them. In digital media planning, we use programmatic purchases to develop measurable advertising strategies suitable for our brands' target audiences across multiple channels, including websites, mobile applications, digital billboards, and smart televisions. In addition to measurable digital ads, we ensure that our brands use their budgets efficiently in conventional advertising through effective media planning.

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Media Planning and Buying

Get Your Audience Right: Customized Media Planning and Buying Strategies

To effectively reach your customers, it is crucial to determine the right channels and messages to convey to your target audience. By understanding the needs of your customers, we develop digital and traditional media planning strategies tailored to them. We increase online visibility for your customers by using advertising channels such as search engines, social media, video, banner, and email marketing effectively. Additionally, we strengthen your customers' offline presence through traditional channels such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and outdoor advertising. This approach helps increase your sales rates by effectively utilizing your advertising budgets and positions you as a leading brand in your industry.

Our Values

We Work Towards Goals.

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Target Audience Determination

We identify your customers' target audience and analyze their characteristics, including age, gender, interests, demographics, and behavioral factors.

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Media Selection

We identify your customers' target audience and analyze their characteristics, including age, gender, interests, demographics, and behavioral factors.

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Budget Management

We identify your customers' target audience and analyze their characteristics, including age, gender, interests, demographics, and behavioral factors.

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Frequently asked questions

We Solve the Problems With Our Expert Team

Media planning is the process of selecting the most appropriate channels and strategies to reach your target audience. With effective media planning, you can increase brand awareness and sales by reaching your customers at the most opportune time and place.

Digital advertising channels include search engine advertising, social media advertising, digital video advertising, banner advertising, and email marketing. Traditional media planning employs channels such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and outdoor advertising.

Programmatic buying automates the media buying and planning process. It leverages real-time bidding, targeting, and optimization technologies with the most appropriate media tools to create an effective strategy for the target audience. The benefits of this process include accurate ad targeting, efficient use of advertising budgets, and effective campaign results measurement.

Programmatic buying employs several methods for digital media purchasing, including real-time bidding (RTB), programmatic direct buying, programmatic pre-buying (PMP), local media buying, and automatic optimization. These methods offer several advantages, including more accurate targeting, efficient use of advertising budgets, and effective campaign results measurement.

Programmatic media buying is a technology that allows advertisers to communicate more accurately with their target audience. Advertisers can automatically purchase ad spaces for their specified target audience, redirecting the ads based on user demographics, interests, and behaviors through a cookie installed in the user's browser. Platforms such as Google DV360 and Adform are popular examples of programmatic media buying that we use at Perfist.

DV360 is Google's programmatic media buying and ad management platform that helps advertisers reach and engage with their target audience. DV360 allows advertisers to identify their target audience's demographics, interests, and behaviors to create effective ad campaigns. It also enables advertisers to programmatically buy media, monitor campaign performance, and optimize campaigns.

Customer Feedback

Those Who Empower

Workindo Logo

Duygu Dülger

Workindo Marketing Manager

After associating with Perfist, our conversion cost has decreased by approximately 20%, and the conversion rate increased by around 30%. We had positive results from the new techniques and campaign types we tested.

Mühle Logo

Büşra Odekov

Brand Owner

The perfist team is consist of experienced and professional people. Actually, we have witnessed the founder’s delicacy about the team’s qualifications in person. We are aware of the advertisements and activities that are set up are really advanced.