

A to Z of Call to Action

Do you want to increase the engagement or conversions of the products or services you offer? This article is perfect for you. In just 3-5 minutes of reading, you’ll be able to increase the likelihood of potential users or customers taking action by using the right Call to Action (CTA) phrases. 

In this article, we will explain what CTA is, or “actionable messages” in our language, and provide examples that will be useful for your business. 

What is it?

A call to action, or actionable message, is a word, phrase, or sentence that encourages the reader to perform a specific action. 

Actionable messages have two main purposes: to tell the person what to do and provide motivation for doing it. By doing so, we facilitate the user’s journey and decision-making process, encouraging them to take action. 

How to write it?

Before writing your actionable message, you must determine the goal you want to achieve. Increasing your subscriptions, promoting your product, or increasing your sales could be one of your goals. Once you have set your goal, you need to think about how to encourage your user/customer to take action and put it in writing. Remember, the best action-inducing sentences are generally short and use powerful verbs. They directly address the user. However, can a call to action be longer than a sentence? Absolutely. Your call to action should generally be short, but it doesn’t have to be ridiculously so. It should encompass the essence of the action. 

The brevity and directness of a well-written call to action will focus on what’s important and eliminate distracting elements. 

Instead of a weaker call to action like “Click here,” an effective call to action example would use more specific words that directly address the desired outcome: 

“Discover your best side with us!” 

“Join Our Community!” 

“Book your next adventure with TatilÇınarı.” 

“Share Now on Social Media!” 

“Click for Your Exclusive Discount!” 

“Check Out Our Offer.” 

“Use Your Reward Now!” 

“Last 4 Days!” 

In addition to these, there are standard actionable messages: 

“Contact Us!” 

“Hurry Up!” 

 “Get More Information Now.” 

 “Take Advantage of the Opportunities.” 

“Sign Up Now.” 

“Join Our Campaign!” 

“Download for Free.” 

“Discover Now.” 

“Reach Out to Us Now.” 

How to Determine the Most Suitable CTAs for You?

A/B tests are the most important method to help you in this regard. You can perform A/B tests by using different CTAs in your ads, changing the color and size of the CTA buttons on your website, dividing your audience into personas and using separate CTAs, and using special CTAs for users who have previously interacted with your website through remarketing. 

Variables such as the color, size, shape, placement on the page, background compatibility or contrast, inclusion of a special discount, adding an expiration date if specific to a campaign, and indicating that it addresses a particular group for CTAs on your website or in the emails you send to your subscribers will affect the conversion rate. 

As shown in the image, different button styles can create different effects. An incorrect color choice or button shape may hinder the user from clicking. (Image with different button examples) For example, if you want to run tests to find the best button for your website, we recommend using Google Optimize. If you don’t know how to use Google Optimize, click here (Link to a blog post about Google Optimize) or contact us. With Perfist’s team of experts, you can run tests to find the most accurate CTA and achieve results. 

Marketing has changed a lot in recent years, but the ultimate goal remains the same. You need to tell consumers what to do and guide them to take action. To make this happen, CTAs (Call to Actions) are crucial. Therefore, as a marketer or product/service provider, it is essential to use effective CTAs if you want to increase your conversions or engagements. 

If you still have questions or don’t have the time to do any of these, get in touch with Perfist. Don’t forget to ask about the Conversion Optimization service, including CTAs, with a 10% discount code (CTA10) specifically defined for this blog post! 

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Oğuz Bilgiç

Performance Marketing Specialist

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