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Search Engine Optimization

With our experienced SEO team, we analyze your brand's target audience and market to develop the most suitable strategy for your website. We increase your organic traffic by improving your website's ranking positions in search engines through necessary on-page and off-page SEO studies.

After analyzing your sector and website, we determine a roadmap that aligns with your needs and begin the process. During this process, we continue to work on analyzing your sectoral targets and audience, conducting technical analyses suitable for your website's infrastructure, optimizing your content, and building links. We closely follow these updates and advance the process with our dynamic SEO studies that are tailored to your target audience.

As a result of our studies, we provide regular reports using professional tools that show the status of your organic traffic and the visibility development of your website in search engines.

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Arama Motoru Optimizasyonu
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Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO?

SEO is the optimization to rank first in targeted keywords. These optimizations aim to help search engine bots and users understand your website more easily.

SEO studies are divided into four categories: on-site SEO, off-site SEO, technical SEO, and user experience. When these topics are planned in harmony with each other, it is easier to improve your website's rankings.

Search Engine Optimization

How is SEO done?

SEO requires its own expertise, and it's crucial to understand the industry and conduct a thorough analysis in that direction. Creating the right solutions in line with sectoral and technical analyses of brands and turning them into dynamic ones requires a strong team effort. You can examine our case studies with the experienced team of our agency, which includes all the studies we have learned and experienced in SEO and get information from us about the process.

Arama Motoru Düzenli Analiz ve Raporlama


Perfect SEO Analysis Process

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We create customized marketing strategies according to the results of analyzing your industry, competitors, and target audience. We continue to work based on the search intents of your target audience in search engines.

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We act in harmony with your website's infrastructure while guiding you on the necessary improvements to increase your website's performance and provide a better user experience. We identify weak and, if any, duplicate content on your website and optimize it by applying nearly 300 optimization methods to help search engines understand your site better.

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As a result of our technical and content optimizations, we report the metrics that allow you to evaluate the impact of our work on organic traffic using tables and graphics.

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Perfect SEO Analysis Process

Sectoral and Target Audience Analysis

We conduct a detailed analysis of the sector that requires SEO services, its competitors, and competition, and create a roadmap accordingly.

Keyword Analysis

After analyzing your website, we begin keyword analysis, which is perhaps the most important issue for SEO. In keyword analysis, we determine the words that your brand will appeal to, generate traffic, and provide conversions. We then match these words with the relevant pages on your website.

Sector Analysis

Sector analysis involves obtaining information about the general structure, functioning, and future of the sector by examining the brands. This analysis plays a vital role in determining the strategies of brands and gaining a competitive advantage in SEO studies.

Competitor Analysis

We analyze competitors that are ahead of us in the sector, rapidly developing, or experiencing decline. After these analyses, we add inferences, such as what should be done and what should not be done in the sector while doing SEO, to the roadmap, and continue our SEO optimization studies accordingly.

Content Optimization

After keyword analysis, low-quality and semantically unstructured content that does not have a keyword target is identified and optimized, considering the designated keywords.

Technical Analysis

It should be done for search engine bots to scan and index the site. While we usually make optimizations for users in on-site and off-site SEO, optimizations are made for search engine bots to better understand our page on the technical side. These optimizations are generally carried out by code. Software optimization, site speed optimization, canonical tags, creating and editing robots.txt, creating and editing site maps, creating hreflang tags for multilingual sites, and creating structured data and breadcrumb structures are some of the technical SEO processes.


It reflects the converted form of the organic traffic we have obtained through the solutions gained with the optimizations made.

Reporting & Measurement

It is the conversion of the measurements that allow you to evaluate the organic traffic of technical and content optimizations in tables and graphs into a report.

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Frequently asked questions

We Solve the Problems With Our Expert Team

If you are marketing a product or service, with the right SEO work, you can reach your potential customers faster and more accurately. Also, even if you have a website without any marketing activity, you can increase brand value or website visit rates with professional SEO consulting services.

To perform SEO work, you can use a range of technical and strategic applications such as keyword research, optimizing the technical structure of your website, content marketing, link building, and social media marketing. These are the most common methods used to increase the visibility of your website organically on search engines.

The time and money spent on SEO work may vary depending on the size of your website, competition level, and the difficulty of targeted keywords. While some companies may spend thousands of dollars per month on SEO work, others may use less costly SEO strategies. However, with a long-term perspective, the right SEO work can help you reach potential customers faster and more accurately, allowing you to get a return on your investment.

One of the most important criteria for SEO work is to optimize the technical structure of your website correctly. This includes factors such as website speed, mobile compatibility, meta tags, and other technical details. Additionally, content quality, keyword density, and link building are also important for SEO work.

The amount of time it takes for SEO work to produce results depends on the size of your website, competition level, and targeted work. Additionally, SEO services should be received as long as the website is active.

Customer Feedback

Those Who Empower

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Duygu Dülger

Workindo Marketing Manager

After associating with Perfist, our conversion cost has decreased by approximately 20%, and the conversion rate increased by around 30%. We had positive results from the new techniques and campaign types we tested.

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Büşra Odekov

Brand Owner

The perfist team is consist of experienced and professional people. Actually, we have witnessed the founder’s delicacy about the team’s qualifications in person. We are aware of the advertisements and activities that are set up are really advanced.