Perfist Blog

Sales & Marketing

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What Is Sales Funnel?

Today, the shopping process between sellers and purchasing customers consists of several layers. In other words, we can describe the sale as a more comprehensive and knowledge-based study. In this article, we will talk about the concepts of the sales funnel and wheel model, which I think every professional salesperson should know. Let’s start with […]

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Mid Level Sales & Marketing
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Data Driven Sales Strategy

When we look from the past to the present, we see sales and marketing activities as a structure that changes in every period. Especially the rapid change in consumer behavior is driving companies in different directions and usage areas. Let’s say you are a brand that provides any product or service. Like every provider, you […]

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Mid Level Sales & Marketing
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Brand Perception On Marketing

From the emergence of marketing activities to the present day, brands have made various moves in order to gain a positive place in the minds of consumers. The aim of various advertising campaigns, public relations and social responsibility activities and many other similar activities is to create a concept in the mind of the consumer; […]

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Mid Level Sales & Marketing